I've been at this whole 'healthy living thing' off and on for 8 years and full tilt now for almost 3 years. Although there is so much more to learn and understand, I think I've got the basics down pretty well ... eat real food, not too much, get off your ass and move! (in a nutshell)
Easy-peasy, right?
Well ... it would be were it not for the idiot inside my head that is always saying ... "go ahead, one doughnut can't really hurt" or "you're tired, why not wait until tomorrow to work out?" Who the hell is that and why does he seem determined to undermine all my efforts sending me to an early grave?
It does seem at times that it is a constant battle that I wage against myself to do the things that I know I must in order to ensure that I will be around to see my grandchildren grow into the fine adults I know they will become.
I do look at this as a 'war' and as such I find these quotes inspiring ...
Winston Churchill - "Never, never, never give up"
Sun Tzu - "If ignorant of both your enemy and yourself you are certain to be in peril"
George S. Patton - "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week"
Leo Tolstoy - "The two most powerful warriors are patience and time"
So far so good. I guess my greatest fear is that one day I will get tired of the battle and just surrender ... but it does seem that it gets 'easier' with time and just perhaps I'm actually winning and the 'enemy' will give up?
Hey, it could happen.
... be well!